Two Situations in Which You Might Want to See a Counsellor

There are certain situations in which it might be a good idea to book an appointment with one of your local counsellors. Read on to find out what these situations are.

You don't feel comfortable discussing your problems with your friends or family

In times of difficulty, people often rely on their friends and family members for emotional support. However, it is not always easy to share your mental health issues, relationship problems or other life challenges with the people within your social circle. You might, for example, worry that if you discuss your problems with your loved ones too frequently, they may start to feel stressed out or drained after spending time with you.

Alternatively, you may worry that they will not understand or be able to relate to your problems and, as a result of this, will judge or reject you if you confide in them. Additionally, there is always a risk that the friend or relative that you share your problems with may, out of concern for your well-being, choose to discuss your issues with other people. If your current struggles are extremely personal, this could leave you feeling betrayed and emotionally vulnerable.

If you have any of the above-mentioned concerns, it might be worth going for counselling instead of confiding in a family member or friend. It is a counsellor's job to listen and to help you; as such, you will never have to worry about stressing them out or being a burden during your counselling sessions. Furthermore, a trained and experienced counsellor will have encountered clients with all kinds of personal difficulties and so will not judge and reject you when you share your issues with them.

Finally, the matters you discuss with your counsellor are considered to be completely confidential, meaning that you will never have to worry about people discovering and gossiping about your personal issues behind your back.

You have not managed to resolve your issues on your own

When they first realise that they have some psychological or emotional problems, a lot of people choose to use online self-help resources to try to resolve their issues. Whilst these resources can certainly be helpful, not all relationship or mental health issues can be fixed by taking this approach.

Sometimes, you need a trained professional who has the experience and the knowledge needed to not only help you understand the underlying cause of your problems but also to provide you with insight into why you are struggling so much. A counsellor can help you to see where you are going wrong and offer you specific tools that will help you to overcome the challenges that you are currently facing.

As such, if you have already attempted to fix your issues by yourself but are no closer to resolving them, then it may be best to book a counselling session.

About Me

Is It A Fight Or More? Marriage Counselling 101

Marriage is a complicated journey filled with good and bad experiences. I married in my early 20's, and I hadn't had enough life experience with the opposite sex to build skills to help me cope when things got rocky. My marriage did get rocky, and counselling was suggested as an option. My blog shares the road of marriage. I want to help you learn how to recognise the difference between a rocky period and a time when counselling will help you and your spouse get back on track. There's no need to remain in a marriage where communication is lacking, and my blog posts share how counselling can help you move past hiccups in your life.




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